This is a list of the most frequently asked questions
1) What is the address of your administrative and operating
2) How can I get to ISTANBUL V+F ?
3) What are your offices opening time ?
4) What are your warehouse opening time ?
5) What are your terms of sale ?
1) What is the address of your administrative
and operating headquarters?
Administrative and operating headquarter adress is:
Istanbul Valf ve Fitting Ltd Şti.
Yesilkoy Sevketiye Mah.
Andelip sok. N. 9 D:1
34140 Bakirkőy – ISTANBUL/TÜRKIYE
Phone +90 212 5737464
Fax +90 212 5737463
2) How can I reach ISTANBUL V+F ?
ISTANBUL V+F is located in ISTANBUL close to the
Istanbul International Airport.
For more information about how to reach us Click here
3) What are your offices opening time ?
ISTANBUL V+F offices are open from monday to friday
and from 9 to 13 and from 14 to 18
4) What are your warehouse opening time ?
ISTANBUL V+F warehouse is open from Monday to Friday
from 9.00 to 13 and from 14 to 18
5) What are your terms of sale ?
To know more about our terms of sales please contact
our customer service staff.